Why Rank & Rent is Ideal for Local Business Websites

Think of our website like a storefront. With Smartview Rank & Rent, we put your business on the busiest street in town – right at the top of Google's local search results.

As a digital landlord and small business owner myself, I know your life isn't easy, and there is too much to do in a day before even looking at beginning to look at designing and building a website that works.

  • Limited time and resources: Building a successful service or business website from scratch is time-consuming and can be costly.
  • SEO is a beast: Understanding the ever-changing world of search engine optimisation is a full-time job in itself.
  • Fierce competition: The online business space is crowded - breaking through the noise is tough for smaller companies.

The Rank & Rent Solution

Here's why you should consider choosing the smart solution to growing your business online with one of our local business websites.

Get Found Instantly: No more waiting for your website to slowly climb the rankings. Our local business websites immediately put you in front of people searching for what you offer in your area.

Attract the Right Customers:
Our websites target local customers who are ready to buy, not just browsers from all over the country.

Save Time & Money:
Skip the website building headaches and expensive marketing campaigns. Focus on running your business while we handle the online stress.

The Bottom Line: 
Rank & Rent gives you a competitive edge in your local market, helping you reach more customers and grow your business.

Interesting Facts About Me...

Industry Roots: I have worked in marketing and development roles in engineering, automotive banking, travel and recruitment.  I understand the unique challenges and joys of running a small business.
Marketing Maverick: Over 30 years in the game! I've navigated the worlds of TV, digital, and print advertising, giving me a deep understanding of how to make local businesses stand out.
Family Man: Proud father, grandfather, and husband – when I'm not talking marketing, you'll find me spending time with my loved ones and our new puppy, or the local watering hole.
Passion Projects: Travel, surfing, skating, and my biggest passion – helping small businesses thrive online with my Rank & Rent model.
From Facebook Fatigue to Google Power: I get the urge to focus all your promotion on Facebook, but trust me – I've seen first hand how harnessing the power of Google can help small businesses rise above the online noise.
Fun Facts:
Loves getting lost – it's the easiest way to find yourself. 

Football  - A Terrier for life
Dance floor enthusiast: Enjoys busting a move to Reggaetón, Soul, and Disco.

The Power of Local Search

Where Your Local Customers Start Their Search.

When people need a plumber, a hairdresser, builder or a place to grab a great pizza, they turn to Google. Local search is how they find businesses in their area.

I always knew that the key to growing a small business was being found on Google and Bing, but back then I didn't have the time to do anything about it, probably just like you.

You fight on Facebook and Social Media with an ever growing army of other local businesses, and being able to cut through the noise and reach potential customers, isn't an easy job, but it could be if you make the smart choice and either take our leads from a local business website ranking on page 1 of Google or rent the website exclusively for your business.

Consider This: 


Over 90% of search traffic clicks go to first-page organic listings, with the top 5 results on page 1 alone receiving over 70% of clicks.


The first organic result has an average click-through rate of around 30%, with CTR dropping dramatically with lower positions (position 10 has a CTR of under 1%).


70-80% of searchers ignore paid ads, focusing on organic results instead. This high percentage demonstrates the power of organic search rankings in capturing the attention and trust of potential customers.

Over 90% of search traffic goes to the first page of Google - FACT
Top results in local searches get a much higher percentage of clicks - FACT
People are more likely to trust businesses that show up high in organic search results. - FACT

You see the simple truth is that:

It's About Location: Local search is all about connecting people with businesses near them. If your website isn't optimised for local keywords, you could be missing out on valuable customers.

Intent Matters: People using local search are usually ready to buy or schedule a service. Appearing at the top puts you right in front of these motivated customers.

Trust Factor: Ranking well in local searches builds trust and shows potential customers that you're a reputable business in their community.

The Bottom Line: Local search isn't just about driving website traffic, it's about bringing new customers through your door.

It's worth checking out our information on  travel websites and our custom built website page or book a call and start getting free leads, no catches, no contracts or tie-in periods.

Our Websites: Built for Local Success

More Than Just a Pretty Website.

A website for a local business isn't just about looking good, it's about working hard to attract the right customers in the right area.

Key Features:

Local SEO Powerhouse: Our local business websites are designed to rank high for the specific keywords and phrases people in your area are searching for, like "electrician in [city name]" or "best restaurants in [neighbourhood] or [Industry] "Near Me".

Showcase Your Expertise: When we build a local business website we built it to attract customers, and when you partner with Smartview Marketing you get the power of being found right on Page 1 of Google and free leads for your business without the headache of having to design, build and rank your own website.

Designed for Action: Our websites are built to convert. To take a visitor and convert them in to a lead. You then convert the lead in to a paying customer. Our websites contain clear contact information, easy-to-use booking forms, and prominent calls to action to encourage visitors to reach out. Our local business websites are conversion optimised, every element is A/B tested and continually updated and modified.

Benefits for You:

Grow Your Customer Base: A local focused business website that's optimised and ranks well puts you in front of new customers actively looking for what you offer. Remember Over 90% of search starts on Google!

Build Your Reputation: Establish yourself as a trusted local business and outshine competitors who aren't as visible online.

Save Time & Focus: Let our optimised website do the lead generation work, freeing you up to focus on serving your customers. We take care of everything, from design and hosting, to updates and content. No contracts, no tie-in periods, just take the leads for as long as you need and maybe in the future consider renting our website exclusively for your business.

The Bottom Line: Think of our Rank & Rent local business websites as your 24/7 local sales team, constantly attracting new leads and growing your business. All without any upfront costs, no hosting, no SEO, no marketing spend. Just turn on the tap to fresh leads for your business.

How It Works

Ready to dominate your local market?


Step 1.

Explore: Browse our collection of available local business websites and find one that perfectly aligns with your niche and target audience. Reach out to us and see if we are a good fit to work together.


Step 2.

Free Leads: Once a website is live, it will immediately start attracting potential clients and capturing leads. Take the leads you need for free to grow your business and client base online.


Step 3.

Track Results: We track all incoming leads, and can include call redirects, calendar bookings (on set days), contact forms, and can even take the enquiry for you, so you never miss an opportunity to shine.


Step 4.

The Future: If you want more than free leads, talk to us about exclusive rental, where the power of page 1 really kicks in. You get all the leads for a fixed monthly cost. Let us customise the website with your agency's branding, contacts and relevant content like 'about you' pages, 'meet the team', Your own T&Cs, links to social media, content uploads and much more. 

Support & Training: We're Here to Help: We will provide you with onboarding support to ensure a smooth transition and answer any questions you have along the way.

The Bottom Line: The Rank & Rent process is designed to be simple and stress-free, allowing you to reap the benefits of a top-ranking website without the hassle.

Still need more information? Visit our 'The Nitty Gritty' page for the complete lowdown on our three models #1 Free Leads #2 Exclusive Rental #3 Custom Website.

Take Your Local Business to The Next Level

Ready to see your Business flourish? Let's See If We Are A Good Fit To Work Together!
